

Posted by Nur Izzah Azhar at 9:43 AM

In teaching, the uses of model and simulation would give big impact towards students. Nowadays we can see that students are more attracted to technology that can be seen as more interactive and fun. They love to explore the technology that being increase day by day. In the process of making a development country, do some paradigm in way of teaching would be very helpful. Thus, the percentage to evolve brilliant and educated students is higher. The uses of model and simulation can eventually helps students to be more critical thinking and creative.
According to Shannon, model can be defined as a representation an object, a system or an idea in some form rather than that of the entity itself. Model itself can be divided into two type which are in physical model and on mathematical model. Model is something realistic that is exist. By using model or we call it as hands-on learning as teaching tools will make students be more understand and remember easily because our brain will remember for a longer time for things that can be seen and can be touch. Like what people said, “ I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” In order to engage students and introduce, practice, or remediate a variety of scientific concepts especially, this kind of teaching tools is very useful yet seem legit.
Student Motivation
Teachers who embrace hands-on or modeling learning and incorporate manipulative into their everyday lesson plans introduce their students to an intuitive way of learning, and empower them to succeed. For instance, Biology teachers that have used a hands-on approach to teaching have experienced some benefits to make teaching more interactive. With a model to show, students are able to remember material better, and feel a much greater sense of accomplishment when the task is completed. This is because students have a better chance of understanding and retaining concepts that are taught using models. Next, students jobs who have difficulty learning due to language barriers, auditory deficiencies, or behavioral issues have a much easier time stay engaged and on task when manipulative models are introduced. Most importantly, students enjoy learning about science when manipulative models are used. Karina LeBlanc, VP, Autism Pro. remarks that, when using manipulative models, the students are excited about science, eager to get to class, attentive and taking initiative. Therefore, students have a much easier time learning and process information when they are having fun and genuinely interested in the project at hand.

On the other hand, a simulation of a system is the operation of a model in which represent that system. The model is amenable to manipulation which would be impossible, too expensive or too impractical to perform on the system which is portrays. Besides that, the operation of the model can be studied and from this, properties that concerning the behavior of the actual system can be inferred.

There are many applications that can be done with simulation in not only in studying field but also in other field.  For instance, simulation can be applied in designing and analyzing manufacturing systems. Evaluating H/W and S/W requirements for a computer system also can apply the simulation. Besides that, simulation also can evaluating a new military weapons system or tactics so that more cost can be cut off while the armies practicing. Moreover, simulation also can be used to determining ordering policies for an inventory system other than designing communication systems and message protocols for them. Designing and operating transportation facilities such as freeways, airports, subways and ports also can apply the uses of simulation. This will make the process easier. Next, the application of simulation also can evaluating designs for service organizations such as hospitals, post offices and fast food restaurants. By simulated this, it can save the cost compared if we used the real design before being publish. Analyzing financial or economics systems are better to use simulation due to rapid changes of this sector.

There are few steps that need to do to create simulation and model building. Firstly, an achieve goal need to be defined so that the thing being done in  right track. To do so, we acquire a question that will trigger the production of goal. For instance, ask our self why we need to teach by using simulation. After a question being asked, answer it as way to keep a goal. For example, why we need to teach with simulation and the answer is for a deep learning. Instructional simulations have the potential to engage students in deep learning that empowers understanding as opposed to surface learning that requires only memorization. Deep learning usually will make the students can apply some knowledge without they need to memorize. A good summary of how deep learning contrasts with surface learning is being given in Engineering Subject Centre. Besides that, deep learning means student can learn scientific methods including how importance to have a model building. Experiment and simulations itself are the way scientists do their work. By using instructional simulations, it will gives students concrete formats of what it means to think like a scientist and do scientific work. In addition for deep learning, the relationships among variables in a model or in models. Simulation allows students to change parameter values and see what happens. Students develop a feel for what variables also are important and significance of magnitude changes in parameters. For deep learning, data issues, probability and sampling theory, the simulations can help students understand probability and sampling theory. Furthermore, instructional simulations have proven their worth many times over in the statistics based fields. The ability to match simulations results with a n analytically derived conclusion especially valuable in beginning classes, where students often struggle with sampling theories. Besides that, given the utility of data simulation, it is not surprising that SERC has an existing module on teaching with data simulation. This thing is how we want to use a model to predict outcomes. Simulations help students understand that scientific knowledge rests on the foundation of testable hypothesis.

In addition, by doing a simulation we can learn to reflect on and extend knowledge by actively engaging in student-student or instructor-student conversations needed to conduct a simulation. Instructional simulations by their very nature cannot be passive learning. By doing this also, students are active participants in selecting parameter values, anticipating outcomes and formulating new questions to ask. We will also learn to reflect on and extend knowledge by transferring knowledge to new problems and situations. A well done simulation is constructed to include an extension to a new problem or a new set of parameter that requires students to extend what they have learned in an earlier context. Also, by understanding and refining their own thought processes, a well done simulation includes a strong reflection summary that requires students to think about how and why they behaved as they did during the simulation. In addition, seeing social processes and social interactions in action. This is one of the most significant outcomes of simulation in social science disciplines such as sociology and political science.

Furthermore, we also can set a goal by questioning how to teach with simulations. This can be explained by instructor preparation is crucial. The good news is that, instructional simulation can be very effective in stimulating student understanding. Whereas, the bad news is that many simulations require intensive pre-simulation lesson preparation. The lesson preparation is varies with the type and complexity of the simulation. The important thing in this deep learning for simulation is that, active student participation is crucial. Student participant is important because students learn through instructional simulations when they are actively  engage with some simulation. Students also should predict and explain the outcome they expect the simulations to generate. Moreover, in every effort that being given should be made to make it difficult for students to become passive during simulation. Students must submit timely input and not rely on classmates to play for them. Instructor, in this contact is a teacher should anticipate ways the simulation can go wrong and include this in their pre-simulation discussion with the class. Besides that, post-simulation discussion is crucial. Post-simulation discussion can be a deeper learning by students who become the leader. Teacher should only provide sufficient time for students to reflect on and discuss what they learned from the simulation. Teacher also can have a two-way interactions by ask students explicitly asked on how simulation can help them understand the coarse goals or how it may have made the goals become more confusing. In this post-simulation discussion also, teacher can integrate the course goals into the discussion.

Secondly, in teaching by using simulation and model building need to put together a complete mix if skills on the team. This will absolutely create a titanic ideas that will attract students to look at the simulation and model heart fully. What we teacher need to do is to have more statistical skills which is output data analysis. Even more statistical skills which is design of experiment must also being done. We also need to have a management skills to get everyone pulling in the same direction. Third step in simulation and model building is it involve the end user. While making a modeling, it is like we selling something. Therefore, we need to make people believe on the results that being made and right away will anyone put the results into action. The End-user which is our students can and must do all the action that being introduced from the beginning. However, if the students want to do it, they must be convinced. We teacher, must believe in our model and simulation that the thing is do the right thing that can be seen as real.

Fourthly, steps that we must obey to do in simulation and model building is to choose the appropriate simulation tools. The appropriate tools is very important because it will affect the simulation and model that being used. There are three alternatives that teacher can use which are build a Model in general purpose language, build a model in general simulation language and also use a special purpose simulation package. Next, model the appropriate simulation level of detail. This step is also important. For the starting, teacher should define the boundaries of the system of simulation to be modeled. There are some characteristics of the environment which is outside of the boundaries that may need to be included in the model. Teacher should pay attention to this which is not all subsystems will require the same level of detail. Besides that, by modeling the appropriate level of details also, teacher can control the tendency to model in great detail those elements of the system which are well understood, while skimming over other, less well and also must be an understood sections.

The sixth steps is teacher need to start early to collect the necessary input data. Teacher must realized that data comes in two quantities which are either too much or too little. So, by started earlier, with too much data, teacher need a techniques for reducing it to a form usable in modeling or simulating. Nonetheless, when there are too little data, teacher need information which can represented by statistical distributions. Furthermore, steps that teacher have to do in order to attract students by teaching using simulation is that, teacher should provide adequate and on-going documentation. Generally, as we know that programmer that design programmer love to program a programmer. Documentation is always their lowest priority item. What teacher can do are, teacher should use self-documenting languages, insist on built-in user instruction to help in screens and also teacher can set or insist on a standard for coding style. This would helps a lot.

Last but not least is, develop plan steps. There are three develop plan that can be done. One, teacher can develop plan for adequate model verification. It is like either teacher get the right answers. Basically simulation provides something that no other techniques can do which are step by step tracing of the model execution. This technique would provides a very natural way of checking the internal consistency of the model. The next develop plan is for model validation. Validation can be seen as “does the right thing” or “asking the right questions”. Not only that, teacher can also questioning how do we know our model represents the system under investigation and compare to existing system or deterministic case. Next develop plan is a plan for statistical output analysis. Teacher can questioning how much is enough for long runs versus replication and find techniques for analysis.




STELLA can applied to be a simulation and model building in school to attract students. It can be a prediction on experiment that we wanted to do but we want to reduce cost. Making another to another experiment without use simulation is actually will become a waste. Education and research are most exciting when they move out of the lecture hall and library and provide opportunity to create, experience, and see. STELLA offers a practical way to dynamically visualize and communicate how complex systems and ideas really work.

Neither they are first-time nor experienced modelers, teachers, students, and researchers can use STELLA to explore and answer endless questions like “How does climate change influence an ecosystem over time?” , “Would Hamlet’s fate have changed if he’d killed Claudius earlier?” , “How do oil prices respond to shocks in supply and/or demand?” , “What will happen when the ozone layer is gone?” and “How do basic macroeconomic principles affect income and consumption?”

Teacher know that students have learned when they can in turn they would explain it. STELLA models allow teacher to communicate how a system works. For instance, question of what goes in, how the system is impacted, what are the outcomes can be answered yet be simulated. STELLA supports diverse learning styles with a wide range of storytelling features. Diagrams, charts, and animation help visual learners discover relationships between variables in an equation. Verbal learners might surround visual models with words or attach documents to explain the impact of a new environmental policy.

Usually, STELLA being used to simulate a system over time. Besides that, STELLA also use to jump the gap between theory and the real  world. Students sometime cannot imagine something that need to be imagined. With this kind of simulation, it would helps a lot. Therefore, it will enable students to creatively change systems. Furthermore, by simulation it teach students to look for relationship of experiment by seeing the bigger picture. By using this simulation of STELLA also, it can be a clear communication system inputs and outputs  also demonstrate outcomes.

There are many more STELLA can do such as mapping and modeling. Intuitive icon-based graphical interface simplifies model building, enhanced stock types enable discrete and continues processes with support for queues, ovens and enhanced conveyors. By using this simulation also, a model equations can automatically generated and made accessible beneath the model layer besides of modules support multi-dimensional arrays that simply present repeated model structure. Besides that, this STELLA can do simulation and analysis. This simulation is sensitivity analysis reveals key leverage points and optimal conditions. It also can be partial model simulations focus analysis on specific sectors or modules of the model. It also can results a presented as graphs, tables, animations, QuickTime movies and files. This STELLA can also use in communication and many more.

Exploring The Mysteries of Easter Island

An experiment of simulation had been chose to show how simulation can predict what would happen in the island. The manipulated variable is on birth fraction in the island. I had change three manipulated variable to see the changes. This would be the prediction.

Birth Fraction : 0.05

For birth fraction 0.05 which is the original birth fraction without changing the variable, the yellow light which shows warning for resource scarcity alert with value of interception of 209 of population, statues and coconut palms. The next picture beside it is the red light resource scarcity alert with interception at 217.5

Birth Fraction : 0.03

By applying STELLA simulation, we can change the manipulated variable to the lowest part of birth fraction. The picture of birth fraction 0.03 above shows that, the resource security alert predict a green light with that amount of birth fraction. Thus, student can say that it would be good to have this amount of birth fraction.

Birth Fraction : 0.07

Next, if the birth fraction have been increased, it shows a different results. The birth fraction become more faster than before either in yellow light or red light warning. This shows the simulation actually can predict up to very much seems to be accurate results. This is because all of the experiment have been analyze before published. Thus, teacher can do some question to student to know what are their  prediction. After they had predicted, teacher can check the results. The results of birth fraction of 0.10 like picture below is the most faster alert which shows a very dangerous population, statues and coconut palm can be. After that teacher can gives conclusion to the simulation that had been done. 

Birth Fraction : 0.10


Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real world process or system over time. The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed, this model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected physical or abstract system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the simulation represents the operation of the system over time.


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